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PAWNIX – Celebrating National Pet Month

As dog owners, we treat every month as National Pet Month. However, since May is actually deemed “National Pet Month” in the United States, we’ll take the opportunity to give our furry friends a few more belly scratches, sneak some more treats, and enjoy longer walks.
According to recently updated pet ownership statistics, two out of every three American homes (about 85 million homes) includes a pet, with 63.4 million of those pets being dogs!

Why we love National Pet Month:

  • We’re going to brag about our dogs regardless, this just makes it more socially acceptable to prove that our dog is the best dog out of all the dogs.

  • You don’t need an excuse to spoil your dog, but this makes a great one regardless! So, get that new toy for your dog to destroy, show up to your next outing in matching sweaters, and make their lives a bit more relaxed with some PAWNIX noise-cancelling headphones.

Trust me, you will never regret spoiling your dog!

  • It brings more awareness to the benefits of dog ownership and supporting adoption.

Our dogs celebrate us every day – they’re at the door wagging their tails when we return home (or even just make a quick trip to the mailbox), they cuddle us on the couch for hours while watching mindless television, if you’re happy – they’re excited for you, if you’re sad – they comfort you. We truly don’t deserve dogs and their unconditional love.

Your dog celebrates you daily, here’s some additional ways you can support them and their furry friends this month:

  • Participate in charity events! Many nonprofit organizations will host adoption and charity events during National Pet Month.

  • Donate pet supplies to a local rescue or shelter (they are always in need of unopened petfood, blankets, new toys and more)

  • Plan a playdate with your dog. Do they like hiking? Swimming? A trip to the dog park?

  • Make them a homemade treat! Have you tried the popular frozen peanut butter in a Kong?

If not, add it to your list!

Since late 2020, PAWNIX has donated over $7,000 with $5 from every purchase going to support several charities – The Grey Muzzle Organization, K9s for Warriors, Petsmart Charities, and most recently PAWNIX headquarters hometown shelter – Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society.
Through the PAWNIX Give & Grow program, additional donations can also be made by customers when checking out in your shopping cart. To learn more about the charities PAWNIX supports, visit our website here.

From all of us at PAWNIX, happy National Pet Month, and happy National Dog Day…every day! How are you celebrating National Pet Month with your dog? Comment below!

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