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Getting your dog protection and over their Doggie PTSD is as easy as selecting their favorite color, followed by their size.

We have 1 model of the PAWNIX Noise Cancelling Electronic, that goes into the helmet. The Electronic is the game changer for PAWNIX over traditional wraps and ear muffs.

PAWNIX comes in Xtra Small, Smedium, Medium, Large, and Xtra Large

How Do We Know That It Works?

We modeled ourselves after the best human noise cancelling technology, and used audio testing technology to prove that the electronics were in fact cancelling the frequencies that were found to be problematic. We used the same technology, testing, and human test responses that the human industry conducts. Then, only after we felt it was mathematically sound and human approved, we put the electronics plus the full dog ear muff helmet on Emma (our muse, see her story page), in different loud situations and it worked. We could visibly see a difference in Emma's behavior. The highlight was taking her with us to the New Year’s Eve Concert with midnight firework celebrations (video on our website & facebook pin).  Emma was not bothered by the fireworks being set off less than a block away. We had a lot of people stop us and interact with Emma.  All were impressed by her calmness and her ability to still interact with them.  She also asks for them when a storm is coming, and will happily chew a bone or return to sleep, while a nasty southern windy storm blows through.  We also practiced with other dogs we know to make sure we had good sizing, and we were not creating adverse reactions with dogs that just wanted to be part of the pack and wear what the others were wearing.

When ​Emma wears her PAWNIX headset, ​we feel better ​knowing and seeing that she​ is not hearing the storms or loud noises the same as she used to. She does not hide in the bathroom during thunderstorms anymore either. Our other company dogs also see Emma put on her headset, and they come running to wear theirs too.  This allows everybody to enjoy mother nature's beautiful thunderstorms ​together​. We no longer feel helpless to comfort Emma, as she is no longer reacting the same way to the loud noises, which brings us peace of mind. We also bring peace of mind to many pet parents who want to provide their own dog hearing protection, and will share in their own words. click here.

PAWNIX Noise-Cancelling headset works for many other noises, not just thunderstorms and fireworks.  It takes any loud noise and reduces the volume. When dogs wear PAWNIX, the decibel level of loud noises is reduced up to 30 decibels.  That means that loud firework shows become the loudness level of a dyson vacuum, or a running dishwasher.

We help plenty of pilot pet parents protect their dogs hearing with PAWNIX. It can be helpful to protect dogs ears from loud noises comng from planes, cars, etc.

Help Your Pup Tune Out Loud Noises

Protect your best friend. Don’t let your dog become another statistic. Choose PAWNIX noise cancelling headphones for dogs, and give your dog the comfort they need to face the world without fear. Because every dog deserves to feel safe at home during thunderstorms and fireworks.
As Victoria Day kicks off the fireworks season in North America, it’s time to think about our furry friends who may find these celebrations stressful. PAWNIX Noise Cancelling Headphones for dogs are here to help, offering comfort and protection from loud noises. This blog explores the significance of Victoria Day in Canada, the impact of fireworks on dogs, and how PAWNIX can make a difference. Since 2020, PAWNIX has been helping dogs worldwide, and this summer, we’re ready to continue providing peace of mind for pets and their owners. Discover how PAWNIX can transform your pet's experience this fireworks season and beyond. #VictoriaDay #PAWNIXforDogs #FireworksSeason #CalmPets
As the doggie yoga session seamlessly transitioned into meditation, Luna invited her canine companions to close their eyes and focus on their breath. The once restless group now sat in stillness, the gentle music of their PAWNIX headphones for dogs providing a cocoon of tranquility.

Emmas Story about sound anxiety and her own hearing protection journey.

Colored explosions drip across the night sky. Their reflections dance along water across the bay.  The sound from the fireworks reverberates in our ears while our eyes drink in the night's wonder. Then, at ground level, a white streak enters and exits the field of vision in the blink of an eye.   It takes us a second to realize, another dog has just ran away due to the loud 4th of July firework show. All of our family members start to yell, "EMMA"  the dog's name. Everyone's hearts stop, and we all feel weak and helpless.  Emma is now another statistic. A run-away. In a panic, we all set off in the direction that Emma ran.   After what seemed like hours, we found our furbaby,  Emma, down the street.  Thankfully, she had been taken into a garage by a neighbor to ride out the rest of the firework show. The statistics about dogs that run away during the 4th of July are high and very sad.  There is a 30% increase of lost pets during the weeks surrounding the 4th of July. According to Lost Pet Statistics, 14% of the 63 million dog owning households in America will run away within a 5 year span.  Dogs being scared by loud noises is one of the top four reasons dogs run away. With my invention of a noise-cancelling headset for dogs, we will reduce the number of dogs that run away due to all kinds of loud noises. Like many dogs, Emma is scared of all kinds of loud noises.  Alarms, Motorcycles, Thunderstorms, Fireworks, etc. The Journal Of American Veterinary Medical Association reported 30% of dogs suffer from some type of storm anxiety; and 86% of dogs with thunder phobia develop separation anxiety.  We tried calming oils  and treats, doggie shirts, playing soothing music, nothing worked for Emma. One day, while we were traveling for our old corporate research and development job, an idea popped into our founders head.  During the planes loading process, the stewardess on the airplane started slamming the overheard baggage compartments to get them to shut over large bags. This happens on most flights, and because it is a loud noise, Emma jumps a little every time it happens.  Our founder was wearing her own Noise-Cancelling headphones, so she decided to try to hold the headset to Emma's ears. It was bulky and awkward, but it worked. Emma stopped being jumpy, and settled down and got comfortable for take off. Our founder let Emma laydown in them the rest of the flight.  That was the first day of the development process of PAWNIX Noise-Cancelling headsets for dogs. Comfortable headphones for dogs to eliminate these triggers that create all of our drama.